Here are sales highlights for Syndie Sports Net (SSN), for the week of Apr 26-May 2. Comparisons are based on shares with 2 decimals.
Los Angeles, KTTV (FOX) Sun 2:00-3:00pm - SSN is Appointment TV, with infinite increases above its lead-in (0.00), while its Weather Gone Viral lead-out comes up empty (0.00), with M25-54 and A25-54.
Los Angeles, KCOP (IND) Sun 7:30pm - SSN soars +44% over its Movie lead-in with HH. It's +21% stronger than How I Met Your Mother from last year's HH time period. And, the show more than triples itself, compared to its Feb 2021 HH delivery. SSN is trending up over the past 3 weeks, too.
Philadelphia, NSPP (RSN) Sat 6:00am - Infinitely better than American Ninja Warrior from last year's HH time period (0.00).
Dallas, KDFW (FOX) Sat 11:00pm-12:00m - SSN builds on its own success compared to last year... and last sweep. Vs. Last Year: HH (+43%), M25-54 (+54%), A25-54 (+21%). Vs. Last Sweep: HH (+11%), A25-54 (+18%). The show is trending up over the past 3 weeks with M25-54 and A25-54, too.
Dallas, KDFI (IND) Sat 12:30am - Superior to its Movie lead-in by +8% in HH.
San Francisco, KICU (IND) Sun 1:30am - Soars +70% over How I Met Your Mother from last year's HH time period.
Atlanta, WPCH (IND) Sat 2:00am - Far better than Outdoors from last year's time period with HH (more than quadruple), M25-54 (more than 15 times stronger), A25-54 (more than 21x higher). Builds upon its own Feb 2021 success, too, more than doubling with M25-54 and A25-54, while HH rise +60%. Jumps over its Carbonaro Effect lead-in: HH (+16%), M25-54 (+17%), A25-54 (+67%). Trending up over the past 4 weeks with HH, while M25-54 and A25-54 are riding a 3-week upward trend.
Houston, KRIV (FOX) Fri 4:00-5:00am - Stronger than last year's time period with HH (+10%) and M25-54 (+3%). Rises above its lead-in with M25-54 (+3%) and A25-54 (+8%). Even better than its own Feb 2021 levels, too: M25-54 (+24%), A25-54 (+28%).
Houston, KTXH (IND) Sun 11:00am - SSN doubles over last year... and more than doubles over last sweep, with HH.
Boston, NSBO (RSN) Sat 2:00-3:30pm - This triple-run is double last year's time period with M25-54, while A25-54 are up +67%.
Phoenix, KAZT (IND) Sat 1:00-2:00am - SSN improves itself year-to-year with HH (+Infinity).
Seattle, KING (NBC) Sat 9:00am and 3:00pm
- In the morning... SSN is Appointment TV, more than doubling its News lead-in, while its NBC Network lead-out declines, with HH.
- In the afternoon... SSN builds +40% over its Feb 2021 HH success.
Seattle, KONG (IND) Fri 4:00-5:00am and Sat 4:00-5:00am
- On Friday... SSN is Tentpole TV, jumping +7% over its Monk lead-in, while its American Ninja Warrior lead-out falls, with HH. The show improves over itself last year (more than 6 times stronger)... and last sweep (more than 23x better), with HH.
- On Saturday... SSN is infinitely up over its Murdoch Mysteries HH lead-in (0.00). The show more than triples itself compared to last year... and last sweep, with HH.
Orlando, WOFL (FOX) Sat 12:00m - Appointment TV, with infinite increases over its Fox Network lead-in (0.00), while its lead-out goes to sleep (0.00), with M25-54 and A25-54. Infinitely up over the Feb 2021 time period with M25-54 and A25-54, too.
Portland OR, KPTV (FOX) Sat 3:00-4:00pm and 6:00-7:00pm - Both time periods are infinitely up over their respective lead-ins (0.00) with HH.
Raleigh, WRDC (IND) Sat 3:00pm and 2:30-3:30am
- In the afternoon... SSN doubles itself compared to its Feb 2021 delivery.
- In late fringe... SSN improves over its Feb 2021 score (+Infinity). The show is also +4% better than its lead-in.
San Diego, KSWB (FOX) Sat 6:30pm and 1:00am
- In the evening... SSN is infinitely up over its 0.00 lead-in.
- In late fringe... SSN is +35% stronger than the Feb 2021 time period.
Nashville, WUXP (IND) Sat 3:00-4:00am - SSN is Tentpole TV, with an infinite increase over its lead-in, while its Raceweek lead-out slows downward. The show is much improved over last year (+47%)... and last sweep (more than 13 times better).
Salt Lake City, KJZZ (IND) Sun 1:30am - Infinitely better than the prior time period last year (0.00)... and last sweep (0.00). Also, SSN rises +10% over its lead-in.
Norfolk, WVBT (FOX) Sat 2:30pm, Sun 10:30-11:30am, and Sun 1:30am
- On Saturday... SSN is superior to its lead-in (+3%).
- On Sunday morning... SSN more than doubles itself year-to-year. And, the show more than doubles the Feb 2021 time period, too.
- In late fringe... SSN quadruples itself compared to last year. The show MORE than quadruples itself compared to last sweep.
Source: NSI WRAP Multi-Market Program Tracks; Week of 4/26/21; Comparisons by 2-decimal share in Live+SD; Last year is May 2020; Last sweep is Feb 2021; Lead-in comparison is prior 1/4 hr to full program average